Sunday, December 30, 2007

Freak me out,

He got out. Dern dog ran away today. The wind must have blew open the yard gate and he took his ball and went cruising. I was gone from early morning and returned late in the afternoon and when I came home he didn't greet me like he has been doing for the last couple of weeks. I called for him and went looking around the house. First place I checked was the pool and hottub. Fortunately I taught him how to get out of the pool last week. Actually he figured it out himself after I threw him in. Took a couple of laps but he found the shallow spot and knows how to get out by himself. Fortunately he's more keen on ocean swimming than pool swimming. Anyway he was gone and I went nuts for a bit. I walked to the park where we play fetch and asked anyone walking their dogs. Nothing. I drove around the 10 blocks around my house. Nothing. Finally I went to the Humane Society to register him as lost. A very nice young lady took me behind to look at the dogs turned in that day. (There were over 40 dogs turned in just today!) Nothing.

After completing the paper work I went back home to look again. I figured he got out, went walking, maybe got frightened and disoriented and hid somewhere. He is a different dog when we walk at night and I sensed if he was ok he would try to make it home after dark. Sure enough about 8PM I was going to drive over to get my bike from my mom's so I could ride around to look for him. I just got in the car and there he was outside my door. I knew not to scold him and just held him to me and I could tell he was very happy to be home. He was thirsty and scarfed down his evening meal without hesitation.

One thing, as we went out for his evening break just now I noticed he is limping a little on his right front leg. I massaged his muscles and moved his joints but he didn't wince at all so I don't know what it is. I'll monitor it over the weekend.

I am so relieved he found his way back home. Now I feel confident if he ever got spooked and ran off he knows his was back. And I already know he is just afraid enough of moving cars that he'll stay off the roads. Those 40 dogs at HHS got me thinking....

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