Thursday, July 28, 2011

another soapbox,

Started another blog about another interest.  Looking for a lifestyle change or just more mid-life madness.

Two years,

Hello again.  It's really been a while and no excuses.  Honestly writing about Beau isn't anywhere near as fun and living with him.  Next month he makes 5.  Can't believe how fast it's going.  The good news is in my decrepid mental state I've been thinking I've had him 5 years and that he was 6.  So I acutally gained another year.  Cool.

He is much better this past year.  Better in that he isn't as afraid of people as he was.  (What's not better is he pulled/tore a muscle or tendon and he limps severely now.)  We can walk down Kalakaua in Waikiki and he doesn't blink an eye at people walking past.  He still hesitates in the middle of a crowd but then I don't care for crowds either.  Kids and adult males still halts him in his tracks though.  We were up at the Pali walking down the old Pali road and some Vietnamese women(cute!) stopped to take pictures with him.  He was ok for a bit with the first one but then 5 people rushed in to pet him and he didn't like that.  And of course they pulled out their phones to show me their dogs back at home.  Always good to meet true dog people.  Unlike some dog owners that think all a dog is good for is to keep the other end of the lease from dragging on the ground.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Well it's been almost a year since my last entry. I'll take my time catching up on what's going on with Beau. The entries may seem a little haphazard but that's how memory works sometimes.

To look at him today you would not know he is the same dog. People that met him when I first got him are amazed at how much he has improved. Overall I'll say although he is still shy and hesitant around people, he doesn't pull away like he used to. He is much more assertive about what he wants and will voice his opinion if he isn't happy. He still barks at the maid if she surprises him at the door. But after a minute of grumbling and pacing he settles down and doesn't seem to notice her even as she walks by, vacuums or makes noises. The house is still his domain and he doesn't like anyone invading it.

I have some pictures from events he's been to. Unfortunately most pictures were taken by others and I haven't been able to get copies. Hopefully my procrastination disease has subsided for now and I will keep posting. Thanks for reading and keep the faith.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Knock, knock...

Hello? Anybody there?

So I'm back again. Lot's going on and this isn't the venue for any of that sooo.... Did anyone read the article in the paper about black dogs? It was about dogs in general and how black ones seem to get shafted more often. Like the vast majority of dogs put down in shelters are black. And they are the hardest or last to get adopted. Hollywood doesn't help by casting black dogs as the mean and nasty ones. Anyway I got stopped by a patrol car the other night and the officer informed me that there were "numerous" complaints about a black lab running loose around Kapiolani/Waikiki. It didn't help that at that moment Beau had just completed his business and I had his leash off so I could pick up his poop. So it could have been me. I went to the substation and inquired about any complaints about a loose dog..., nope, no complaints that they(3) knew of. Thank you officers, just checking.

I'm just grousing. However I now take him to a remote and secluded area to play his fetch. Actually it's a lot better as I've never seen anyone around, the grass is better(less dirt on the ball) and the water is convenient. When he's done and winded we drive over to Waikiki and do our walk to cool him down. Another thing that started a couple of weeks ago is I can down him on the sidewalk. About a month ago he started to sit, on my command. And he went through the usual stages - sit; get up if someone comes; sit and maybe move; sit even with people within touching distance and finally sit and even yawn cause he's sooo cooool! Now he's going through the same thing with the down position. Still takes several minutes of coaxing but he relents and goes down. I have to keep my foot planted behind his butt though. If anyone looks at him and approaches he tends to scoot backwards and ends up under the bench. With my foot there he can't back up and hide.

Next post: Barking and his first outing at the Kahala bark park.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Chick Magnet,

Something I forgot to mention in the last entry. This guy is such a ladies man, dog, whatever. No less than 6 women approached me to pet him. Only one was able to. The others sensed his timidness and backed off when they got too close. I can't wait for him to get over his fears and know that people aren't that bad for the most part. Do you realize how many single women are running around in Waikiki at night? Garsh....

NOTE: I was in Waikiki a few years back with another dog during Halloween. Two local women(girls) came up to pet him(which he loves!) wearing just underwear. I mean skimpy, lacy, barely covering anything top and bottom and some feathery wings on their backs. That's IT!

(sigh), yep, no camera.

Sit, stay. Good dog. (And a good book.)

To all my faithful readers that log in daily seeking the latest adventures of the Beau, I thank you. I have made life so eventful(or not so) and I haven't been posting anything. Not that there hasn't been anything to report. I just flaked off.

So I've been taking the boy walking down Waikiki lately. Maybe twice a week in the evening amongst the tourist and locals out for the night. We start by the screen for the "Sunset" movies and head out towards the center of Waikiki. Beau was very shy the first time, looking over his shoulder constantly. If someone approached from the back he would swing around in front of me and walk backwards so he could keep an eye on whoever was behind us. I would pull him around to my left side and discipline him that his behaviour was not appropriate. Now he tends to pull forward and walk too fast and I have to pull his lease back to keep him by my side. This isn't too bad and he is getting better every time we go out.

Last night was another leap in his training. I brought my camera to take pictures of him outside and had to buy batteries at the ABC store. I had him sitting just outside the store so he could see me. Fortunately the battery display and the cashier were close to the window and he was able to see me most of the time. He broke his stay once when some loud people walked past. He had just gotten up to stand and I walked out (almost carrying some batteries I hadn't paid for) to sit him again. This time I had him sit in a grassy planter area away from the main foot traffic. Through the window he looked a little concerned a couple of times but for the most part he seemed OK if he could see me. I paid for the batteries and went outside and he was noticeably relieved. Later as we were leaving to go home I repeated the scenario with another ABC and this time I was getting him some bottled(Yes bottled!) water. Again he was by the doorway only this time the water was further into the store and I was out of sight for several seconds. But when I came back he was sitting and not too stressed it seemed. When I was paying for the water the cashier smiled and said he was such a nice dog to just sit and wait. Yea, he is kinda is.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Brown water,

Diarrhea! Remember that commercial with the wimpy looking guy? Anyway the boy has had a bout with the trots over the last couple of weeks. It comes and goes almost by each poop. One is fine and the next is like water. He stopped eating his meals at one point and kept eating that long blade grass along fences. I know it's for heartburn and his digestion but it doesn't seem to help. My vet mentioned water borne parasites and ocean water as possibles. I know after a day at the beach he gets soft but it's over in a day. This has been over a week.

I've been taking him down to Waikiki to walk on the sidewalk with tourists and cars all around. He is still jumpy but he minds fairly well. Sometimes I need to coax him to sit at street crossings before we cross. And he keeps looking over his shoulder to see who's behind us. But he is so much better and doesn't try to pull away to run. And anyone approaching us from the front can get pretty close before he starts to hesitate. All in all he is getting much better with people in general. In fact the thing that's coming up is he wanders off and doesn't always want to return when I call him. I guess he's getting bolder and knows I'll be there to go after him. I know sometimes I've turned and left him off in the distance and he goes into a major panic looking for me when he realizes I'm gone. Oh well, I know I need to learn to be consistent and train him. Like this blog, sometimes I'm too lazy to put in the effort.