Thursday, December 27, 2007

Poop Patrol,

Did you ever notice how rude some people are about picking up after their pets? I was driving on Sand Island the other day and this guy with his dog on a leash watched as his dog did his business in the middle of the sidewalk and then just turned and continued on his way. I beeped my horn as I passed but the guy didn't acknowledge his bust. So like a landmine waiting for the cover of darkness it's booby trapped and waiting for it's first victim.

There is this guy that uses a park near my home to walk his dogs. He walks about 6 of them, some on leashes and some not. With so many dogs I wonder if he does it like a job. Anyway he does a complete circle of this park and doesn't have anything to show for it. No bags, no poop, nothing. And this park is private so there are no trash cans anywhere. (I know because I have to carry Beau's stuff all the way home.) I'm not the "dog police" but it irks me to see this because hundreds of kids and parents use the park every afternoon for soccer practice and I feel like calling the cops on him. (Remember, it's 6 dogs, in the morning and in the evening.)

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