Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Some history,

Something I should mention about Beau. Not sure why and I intend to find out but he is very timid. When I first met him he did anything he could to avoid me. He hid behind furniture and ran from room to room. I'm learning about socializing him with everything, from people to other dogs to bags of trash. One afternoon we were walking along a park with some hedges. At the end of the hedge was bags of trash and tree cuttings. It surprised him and he stepped out into the street to avoid the pile. He was very afraid and I wanted him to learn to behave differently. I turned him around and had him walk past the trash again. I did this several times and each time he was less afraid and more confident. I then stopped him at the pile, pulled some leaves off a branch for him to sniff and examine. One last pass and he totally ignored the trash pile.

Next task are those metal covers in the middle of the sidewalk for utilities and water valves. Every time we walked I would step on those covers and the clunking sound would spook him and now he makes a noticeable swerve to sidestep those covers. One step at a time I guess.

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