Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wild thing!

There are times when Beau takes me to the edge. I know it's just some fear he has or he doesn't understand what's going on and just reacts but I feel frustrated at his behavior. This is especially true when it's something he repeats time and again. His favorite pastime is fetch. He can play forever it seems. One night we were at the park and he got so excited he would get his ball and then roam all over the park going farther each time he got the ball. Eventually he just would not respond to my calling. He does this almost every time we play. Most times it's just his curiosity or he's putting his scent down. But sometimes he chases other dog’s toys. And once he's in that mode I've lost control of him.

It’s only 3 blocks to my home so that night I just took off and left him. It took a while before he realized I had left and came running up the street to catch me. I got his ball and threw it down the street and the bouncing took it almost 2 blocks. He got it and came back so I threw it again. And he brought it back. I did this several times and he ran each time. He started to get hot and his legs were quivering. I made sure water was available for him and so long he brought the ball back I threw it again. It wasn't long before I saw he was exhausted. Although he was tired he would go after the ball each time I threw it. But he never wandered again that night. He would bring the ball back directly and quickly.

I'm sure one day I'll be looking back and hopefully chuckle at his antics. But for now I wish he wasn't so rambunctious.

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